Thursday, December 8, 2011

Using Food as Medicine... if you will...

Instead of packing this evening, I had some thoughts I wanted to get out first.

 It has been a crazy week for me. I had a great weekend in Chicago and started the week off with a Church service which allowed me to pull myself away from life and focus on what the Christmas season is all about.  It was a fantastic night!  By Tuesday, late afternoon, I could feel myself getting a cold.  Ugh!  I was pissed... "Paleo people" aren't supposed to get sick or at least not very often.  Here I am living this new life and one week before our big vacation, I am getting a cold!  Seriously?  After much thought (it takes awhile for things to "click") and discussing it with my dear friend/trainer, I was reminded how Paleo is not a way of eating but also a way of living!

 I came off a weekend of eating things I shouldn't have, drinking a little more than I should have and not getting enough sleep.  That sprinkled with a lack of exercise and trying to get a family of 5 ready to go on vacation for 8 days...surprise, surprise I get a cold by Tuesday night! 

With all of that being said, in the past I would run to the medicine cabinet and start taking Sudafed every 4-6 hours.  I am on day 3 and haven't taken anything yet.  I have been filling myself with fluids, water and I have even had bone broth... Thank you Karina Stuke!  I have been eating leafy greens and going to bed as early as I can every night.  This is the first time I have felt that food has really affected how I am feeling!

Coincidence has been a theme in my life this whole crazy week.  A couple of days ago, I received a video link of a woman talking about her journey to Paleo.  She is a doctor that has MS and went from being wheelchair bound to walking again all by changing her diet.  Amazing!  Please take the 15 minutes or however long it is to watch this video, it puts into perspective how our bodies are really built to process certain foods. ...  REAL Foods!
Click here for video  I actually have two bags of seaweed in the house... seperate blog post I am sure once I try it!   

Over the years, my sister and I used to always discuss how crazy it was that people our ages that we knew or knew of were getting cancer or crazy diseases.  During those discussions, I remember thinking that I did not want to be one of those people and once I had kids those feelings got even stronger.  I do not want my children to become a statistic.  I tried to do my best in providing my family with healthy food choices and always felt overwhelmed or guilty because I didn't know exactly what I should be giving them.  One week you would hear something was bad for you and the next week that same something was good for you.  It really is overwhelming trying to keep everything you hear straight and to sort through it all.  What really is good for you?  Again, the switch clicked... Real quality food.  If you can't pronounce an ingridient, don't eat it!

So, I am going to kick back, drink my bone broth, get some sleep, eat more leafy greens and know that that is the best medicine!  We are going on a great vacation all next week and I am going to try to blog while I am there.  I am sure there will be alot to write about since I know there will be no Paleo buffets.  This is going to be interesting!  Thanks for listening!My kids rock!!

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff, Jen! I can't wait to get you brothing when you get back from vacation. I'm glad you added a link to that video. The message of food as medicine needs to be shared!
