Thursday, December 1, 2011

Taste Test Thursday

Tonight was fun!  Call it a small plate meal.  Bacon wrapped scallops, bison burgers, sweet potato chips, sweet potato fries, goat cheese stuffed dates for dessert.  Mmmmm!!!!  I am finding that every meal the kids are eating more and getting down with this Paleo Train.

Speaking of which, I think Charlie is going through withdrawal!  This is the first week where his sugar intake has been really low.  No more cereal for breakfast (he has finally taken to the Larabar which I highly recommend checking out), salami/beef sticks for lunch, fruit, and anything I make for dinner.  Why do I think he is going through withdrawal?  The last two days after picking him up from school have been miserable!  For him anyways... he has cried the whole way home asking if he can get his Christmas gifts now and when I giggle he cries harder.  He has been playing with this huge box every day and one night he had a total melt down about how much he loves his box!  Seriously, as I am hugging him goodnight and saying "I love you buddy", he responded with "I love you too and I love my box!" as he is sobbing.  I know how I felt when I was detoxing.  Good thing I am headed to Chicago this weekend!  Bill can have fun with that. 

The other thing that made me happy tonight was that Alex asked Bill what he was making for dinner this weekend while I am gone.  People that know Alex knows that this is HUGE!  In the past, she would ask where they were going out to eat and what dessert they would be having.  It goes to show that her mindset is changing too.  She has been watching me cook like crazy lately and enjoying it.  In the past, I never had sweets in the house.  I am finding now that I have more Paleoized (again, yes, it is a word) sweets in the house, so she is a happy camper.  She is not used to ME asking what cupcake or cookie I should make this week. 

Huge success' this week!  I am thrilled.  I am a little nervous because I will be gone this weekend.  I am sure Bill will do his best to keep them on track.  I will also be challenged while gone.  How do you pass up deep dish pizza in Chicago?

Have a great weekend everyone.  Please remember to click on "follow" if you are interested in these posts and pass the word..... WORD!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic insight about Charlie! I am impressed that you are recognizing his unusual behavior as withdrawal. #momknowsbest Keep in mind that most people who detox off the Standard American Diet (SAD) crash big time around 3:00 in the afternoon. You could always try some extra fat in his lunch. That might help him stabilize his moods and get him through the late afternoon hours. Oh... And huge props to Alex! Can't wait to hear what William will be cooking up this weekend! ;)
